Em edições

  1. [Resenha a:] ROEDIGER, David. Class, Race and Marxism. London, New York: Verso Books, 2017.

    ACESSE O PDF Roediger, David. Class, Race and Marxism. London, New York: Verso Books, 2017. Atílio Bergamini [1] É bem conhecida a crítica ao argumento chamado por alguns “racialista”: no Brasil ele não funciona, porque dada a miscigenação, converteria um problema complexo à oposição inequívoca branco-negro, inspirada na universidade norte-americana. Tal crítica figura em livros excelentes, como Veneno remédio, de José Miguel Wisnik (2008, p. 420-429), de onde parafraseei as linhas acima, e em outros mais questionáveis, como os trabalhos do antropólogo Antonio Risério (por sua vez, citado elogiosamente por...

  2. Feminismo e neoliberalismo na América Latina

    of Chile. This article argues that the feminist emancipation is involved in the neoliberal project, but that it has specific and historically delimited consequences within each national context. We investigate the relation between the women’s search for emancipation in the region and the neoliberal regulation, based in the experiences of Latin American feminisms. This approach seeks the specificity of the Latin American feminist movements, their shared characteristics and dynamics, as opposed to the interpretation that they would be North-American-derived forms. Keywords: 1. Feminism, 2. Neoliberalism, 3. Latin America. Compartilhe Tweet...

  3. Para compreender a recolonização do Haiti

    t he foreign interventions accomplished in Haiti during its history and its life as a people, and will try to question the worldview that underlies those interventions. The second one will study the last intervention of the NU, which has been conducted since 2004, and will particularly analyze recent official documents that have clearly proclaimed their goal of developing Haiti. This will enable to perceive the essence of the economic liberalization aimed at for Haiti Keywords: 1. Haiti. 2. Communitarian Int ernational. 3. Foreign intervention. 4. Free Zones Compartilhe Tweet...

  4. O novo papel do esporte no contexto da ofensiva imperialista recolonizadora

    2. Esporte; 3. Organização das Nações Unidas   The new role of sport in the context of the recolonizing imperialist offensive Abstract: The aim of this paper is to identify sport’s new function in the context of imperialistic hegemonic policies as a strategy of capitalist recomposition in the the beginning of the XXI century. For such it points to the UN efforts for the establishment of consensuses for poverty relief and peace promotion between the peoples and the function attributed to the sport in this context. After that, it deals...

  5. O campo e a guerrilha: considerações do movimento trotskista após a revolução cubana

    fostered theoretical and practical questionings for those who were situated in the political left spectrum. For the Trotskyist movement, some of these questionings could contribute to the confirmation of their theses, while others should be reinterpreted according to the Latin American specificities. Of all the considerations arising from the Cuban Revolution, this article has prioritized the role of the countryside and the guerrillas as elements that, although not new for revolutionary analysis, have become a priority over other ones. Keywords: 1. Cuban revolution; 2. Trotskyst movement; 3. Guerrilla. Compartilhe Tweet...

  6. Feminismo e a renovação do marxismo

    a new chapter of its history was opened. For this, a brief recovery (in historical and theoretical terms) of the relations between feminism and Marxism will be made, from the initial elaborations made from the work of Marx and Engels to the recent formulation of a “feminism for the 99%”. It will work with the hypothesis that feminism once again presents itself as a locus of renewal of Marxism, in which its constitutive dimensions – theory and practice – has been relocated and tested. Key words: 1. Marxist Feminism; 2....

  7. Gramsci, América, América Latina

    particular case in which a Kulturkampfwould not yet have developed fully and traditional intellectuals linked to clergy and military castes would predominate. Finally, the article shows how for Gramsci the presence in Latin America and Latin America of subaltern groups – blacks and Indians – whose cultures could not be simply reduced to European culture, configured the research on the political question of intellectuals in more complex field and reoriented to the study of the formation of modern nation-states. Keywords: 1. Antonio Gramsci; 2. America; 3. Latin America Compartilhe Tweet...

  8. Edição 23

    de inspiração marxista para entender a opressão da mulher. Os artigos de Eleutério F. S. Prado e Maria Elisa Cevasco trazem importantes contribuições para dois importantes campos disciplinares: a economia política e os estudos culturais.O objetivo de ambos artigos é discutir os problemas enfrentados pelo marxismo nesses dois campos, testar sua capacidade explicativa e apontar linhas a partir das quais a investigação crítica poderia se desenvolver. Encerram a seção de artigos uma crítica ao conceito de novo-desenvolvimentismo, fortemente ancorada em uma leitura da obra de Marx, de autoria e Bianca...

  9. Estratégia e tática: o trotskismo norte-americano e a revolução europeia

    3. Estados Unidos. Strategy and tactics: the American Trotskyism and the European revolution Abstract: The following paper analyzes the debates of north-american Trotskyism in the years after Allies in World War II occupied Italy. The position held by the minority, questioning the analyzes made by the leadership, intended to establish a consideration about how United States and Soviet Union were preparing themselves for the final blow on Fascism and, in the end, about what would be the role of Trotskyists in the struggle for the world revolution. Keywords: 1. Trotskism;...

  10. Ler e estudar Gramsci no Novo Milênio

    many changes have occurred throughout the decades in the means of information dissemination and in the infinites and more intricate ways in which it is manipulated, financially conditioned, technologically disposed, and so on. This is a more urgent challenge because, as Gramsci pointed out, the struggle for the bodies of public opinion is nothing less than the struggle for the monopoly of power which, as we are seeing in many countries, including the United States, threatens today the democracy itself. Keywords: 1. Antonio Gramsci; 2. Marxism; 3. Democracy Compartilhe Tweet...

  11. O movimento trotskista internacional e as revoluções do pós-guerra

    number of (re)readings (explicit or not) of the original theoretical and analytical framework of this movement, accomplished carried out with the aim of better understanding the different revolutions then occurring and to formulate intervention programs for them. Those (re)readings have generated intense conflicts, being an important element of its increasing fragmentation. Thus, although the history of this movement in the postwar period is not limited to those conflicts, they are fundamental for a better understanding of its current configuration. Keywords: 1. Fourth International; 2. Trotskyism; 3. Postwar revolutions. Compartilhe Tweet...

  12. Marxismo e antirracismo: repensando a política da diferença

    existed in Karl Marx’s work. The notion of difference, as it was developed in contemporary debates, was not a category used by Marx. However, this paper shows us how difference can be understood as a way to reflect about the many ways in which conflictual social relations occur inside of the totality of capitalist society. For such purpose, it intends to broad the specter of forms of conflict who are in dialectical relations inside and beyond this totality and, therefore, it explains complex relations and variables between racism and capitalism....

  13. O grande Deus Trump e a incrível classe trabalhadora branca

    Abstract: In this paper, historian Mike Davis dissects the electoral triumph of Donald Trump in the United States, trying to relativize the allegations that the white working class was responsible for his victory. Davis shows how, in fact, several factors were crucial for the defeat of the Democrats, mainly including the lack of policies designed to the deindustrialized regions in the USA and, of course, the rise of the far-right Republicans in regional stances. Keywords: 1. White working class; 2. Donald Trump; 3, Elections in the United States. Compartilhe Tweet...

  14. A miséria da historiografia

    e Daniela Aarão dos Reis, representantes deste revisionismo, contrapondo-os ao trabalho clássico de René Dreifuss. Palavras-chave: 1. Historiografia; 2. Revisionismo; 3. Golpe de 1964   The poverty of historiography Resumo: Some important themes of Brazilian history have been submitted to radical revisions in the past years. That is the case of the 1964 military coup d’etat, a common target of this revisionist perspective in the most recent period. In 1964, the Left had undertaken an action to extend the limits of the democratic system of that period, and for this...

  15. A revolução a favor de ‘O Capital’: sobre desenvolvimento desigual em Marx

    uneven development from Marx. We offer an interpretation on important methodological indications contained in Capital to argue that the tendencies discovered by Marx in the work should not be read in the deterministic fashion as unambiguous prescriptions of certain historical results. The interpretation defended here is based on a re-reading of the formation of the Marxian conception for historical development, which attempts to capture the fundamental traces of its evolution from the Manuscripts of 1844 to The German Ideology and Misery of Philosophy, to argue that this question was always...

  16. Desenvolvimento sem “ismos”: uma crítica ao novo-desenvolvimentismo a partir dos Grundrisse de Marx

    of neoliberalism’s failure in Latin America, neo-developmentalism argues for an ‘alternative to capitalism evils’ by means of a state activity capable of harmonically connecting with ‘strong’ markets – i.e., markets that define the sense of social life. Although this perspective had found support among sectors of society traditionally associated with the left, our goal is to point to the need of a radical critique, and for that we used the indications left by Marx in his Grundrisse. Keywords: 1. Developmentalism. 2. Neo Developmentalism. 3. Critique of Political Economy. Compartilhe Tweet...

  17. Manufacturing Consent revisitado: uma nova aproximação

    author to review recent publications that have expanded the object of research to include gender, domestic labour, migrant workers, services, trade unions, etc. The article suggests that issues pertaining to the battles witnessed in these domains range from exploitation to commodification and include consumerism. All of these bones of contention have inaugurated a new era of transnational mobilisation extending from Eastern Europe to Asia and inspiring the author to reproduce Polanyi’s Great Transformation thesis, after updating it to include the recent advent of a third, ultra-liberal wave that broadens commodification...

  18. Imanência e tradutibilidade: Marx 1844-1845

    to renew Marxism and, to this end, faces a “territory” that Marx and Engels left practically unexplored. Nevertheless, one can find in Marx’s writings of 1844-1845 a rich reflection on the plurality of “voices” as constitutive of the “human essence”. Marx aimed at overcoming all the subaltern variants of speculative activity, and for this he investigated immanence in the light of a non-absolute, arbitrary “worldliness”, but as “relative necessity”. The diversity of languages as a starting point for critical thinking an action. Keywords: Karl Marx; Immanence; Political Thought Compartilhe Tweet...

  19. Lincoln, Marx e a guerra civil nos Estados Unidos

    both authors about the American civil war, th eir support to the Northern combatants against the Southern slaveholders and their proposal of a second revolution that could emancipate slaves and free workers. In the second part, the article discusses Marx and Engels’ opinion regarding Lincoln and his Government, especially the limitations they perceived in the American institutions and the pressure they sought to exert on the abolitionist movement and on the president himself toward a revolutionary war Keywords: 1. American Civil War; 2. Karl Marx. 3. Abraham Lincoln. Compartilhe Tweet...

  20. Em busca do elo perdido: sobre a gênese dialética da categoria capital

    related to the transformation of money into capital. From a reading about the dialectical form established by Marx’s exposure, the authors draw on the bibliographic debate around this question to point out an interpretation in which Marx’s work not only presents a dialectical method, but also an appreciation over the historical feature of this problem. In this sense, the transition between money to capital would be characterized by a historical transformation, a feature underestimated in many analyses around Marx’s work. Keywords: 1. Das Kapital; 2. Money; 3. Capital Compartilhe Tweet...

  21. EDIÇÃO 11

    de nosso Conselho Editorial, Arcary participou diretamente dos acontecimentos de 1975 e faz aqui um exercício de “historiografia participante” digno de nota. Nos últimos dois anos, a revista Outubro vem realizando esforços no sentido de incrementar a qualidade editorial da revista e ampliar sua circulação nacional e internacionalmente. Foi com esse intuito que fizemos a reforma gráfica da revista, adaptando-a às exigências das bases de indexação de publicações acadêmicas. Esse esforço vem produzindo importantes resultados. A revista foi recentemente incorporada ao Portal de Periódicos Capes (www.periodicos.capes.gov.br) e a partir deste...


    Três são os temas que cruzam a edição da revista Outubro que o leitor tem agora em mãos: as transformações do capitalismo contemporâneo, as contra-reformas do governo Lula da Silva e a teoria marxista da política. Discutindo o primeiro desses temas, estão Bob Jessop, da Lancaster University (Inglaterra) e Thomas Coutrot, economista e conselheiro científico da Association pour la Taxation des Transactions pour l’Aide aux Citoyens (Attac-França). Jessop, submete à análise rigorosa as apologias da hegemonia estadunidense na nova ordem mundial, levadas a cabo por Manuel Castells, Michael Hardt e...

  23. EDIÇÃO 08

    paulista para Brasília Teones Pimenta de França (UFF)   Hegemonia em tempos de cólera: a difícil construção de uma ordem mundial Alvaro Bianchi (Umesp)   Resenhas Mike Davis. Holocaustos coloniais. Clima, fome e imperialismo na formação do terceiro mundo. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 2002, por Henrique Carneiro Michael Löwy. A teoria da revolução no jovem Marx. São Paulo: Vozes, 2002, por Marcelo Guimarães Lima Leandro Konder. A Questão da Ideologia. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2002, por Daniel Romero Marcelo Ridenti e Daniel Aarão Reis Filho (orgs.). História do marxismo...

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