Em edições

  1. [Resenha a:] ROEDIGER, David. Class, Race and Marxism. London, New York: Verso Books, 2017.

    the Working Day(1989, com Philip S. Foner); Towards the Abolition of Whiteness: Essays on Race, Politics, and Working Class History(1994); The Wages of Whiteness: Race and the Making of the American Working Class(2007); How Race Survived US History: From Settlement and Slavery to the Obama Phenomenon(2010); Seizing Freedom: Slave Emancipation and Liberty for All(2015). Todos referidos e discutidos em Class, Race, and Marxism, que, vale a pena repetir, acaba sendo boa leitura de introdução ao pensamento do autor. No livro recém lançado, Roediger traz dois conjuntos de dados como ponto...

  2. Classe e trabalho no feminino: um olhar sobre a história das mulheres trabalhadoras

    women Abstract: Women have always worked. However, often their jobs inside and outside their homes have historically been socially invisible and devalued. This brief paper aims to bring a broad analysis on this theme of labor and Women’s History, as well as to make a discussion about patriarchy, class, productive and reproductive work in Brazil and in the world. Thus, by means of historiographical debates, statistics, and other records on labor and women, the target of the discussion is to reflect on the condition of the working class and the...

  3. Feminismo e a renovação do marxismo

    a new chapter of its history was opened. For this, a brief recovery (in historical and theoretical terms) of the relations between feminism and Marxism will be made, from the initial elaborations made from the work of Marx and Engels to the recent formulation of a “feminism for the 99%”. It will work with the hypothesis that feminism once again presents itself as a locus of renewal of Marxism, in which its constitutive dimensions – theory and practice – has been relocated and tested. Key words: 1. Marxist Feminism; 2....

  4. José Carlos Mariátegui e Rosa Luxemburgo

    Mariátegui and Rosa Luxemburgo Abstract: Although José Carlos Mariátegui mentions Rosa Luxemburg in few moments of his own work it is possible to discover a vivid interest of the Peruvian thinker regarding both her life and work. The major aim of this article is to present and analyze, in a necessarily exploratory way, in which moments occurs his appropriation of Rosa’s thought and its specific importance in Mariátegui’s thought. It is possible to discern this course in two moments: 1) in the analysis he made concerning the German Revolution and...

  5. Edição 25 COMPLETA

    historical materialism Gianni Fresu From music to noise: Shostakovich and the problem of the emancipation of women in the Big Terror (1936) Thyago Marão Villela For a materialistic history of culture: revisiting Walter Benjamin Anita Helena Schlesener Power bloc and public debt “management”: a comparative analysis of FHC, Lula and Dilma governments Lucas Milanez de Lima Almeida Eric Gil Dantas Paulo Annio de Freitas Balanco Bonapartism: the phenomena and the concept Felipe Demier     Book reviews Anderson, Perry. A política externa norte-americana e seus teóricos. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2015....

  6. Trump e os brancos pobres: um neoliberal para chamar de seu

    Palavras-chave: 1. Trump; 2. Neoliberalismo; 3. Conservadorismo Trump and the poor white: a neoliberal to call yours Abstract: This article intends to discuss and provide a clearer definition to Donald Trump’s political agenda from the analysis of the political economy subsumed in campaign projects and his actual political practice. Besides the eloquence in discourse, constantly impregnated by xenophobia and intolerance, the article focuses on demonstrating which social groups actually get advantages and profits from the president’s political agenda. In view of the myriad of concepts recently adopted to characterise Trump’s...

  7. Manufacturing Consent revisitado: uma nova aproximação

    discipline for manual labourers is organised through coercion and consent, based in particular on the establishment of production quota creating a kind of “game of making out” between works. The author reviews the ethnographic method that had been used at the time. He criticises this approach and suggests a replacement based on an “extended case method” that incorporates the work context and includes actors’ trajectories as well as transformations in markets and the role of the state – without forgetting spatial-temporal factors of change. This becomes an opportunity for the...

  8. Ler e estudar Gramsci no Novo Milênio

    directly and at enormous personal cost the collapse of democracy and the establishment of an absolute state in Italy. His thinking and his work in this sense need to be thought of in the encounter of Marxism with the defense of democracy. To carry out this type of political criticism that we find in Gramsci today, it is necessary to conduct the same patient and thorough research that he carried out – and still more, since many changes have occurred throughout the decades in the means of information dissemination and...

  9. Feminismo e neoliberalismo na América Latina

    of Chile. This article argues that the feminist emancipation is involved in the neoliberal project, but that it has specific and historically delimited consequences within each national context. We investigate the relation between the women’s search for emancipation in the region and the neoliberal regulation, based in the experiences of Latin American feminisms. This approach seeks the specificity of the Latin American feminist movements, their shared characteristics and dynamics, as opposed to the interpretation that they would be North-American-derived forms. Keywords: 1. Feminism, 2. Neoliberalism, 3. Latin America. Compartilhe Tweet...

  10. O Estado e a construção de Estados

    because of their complex developmental logics and because there are continuing attempts to transform them. Moreover, despite tendencies to reify the state and treat it as standing outside and above society, there can be no adequate theory of the state without a wider theory of society. For the state and political system are parts of a broader ensemble of social relations and neither the state project or the state power can be adequately understood outside their embedding in this ensemble. Keywords: 1. State; 2. Theory; 3. Society   Compartilhe Tweet...

  11. A lei do desenvolvimento desigual e combinado de León Trotsky e a intelectualidade brasileira

    1970s outstood for the critical works on “dualistic” or “stage-wise” theories about the country’s social and historical reality. More specifically, we aim at debating how the concept of uneven and combined development formulated by the russian revolutionary Leon Trotsky has shown to be somehow present among the authors who in the academic milieu were opposed to the nationalistic perspective of intellectuals from the Latin American and Caribbean Committee (CEPAL) and from the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB). Keywords: 1. Uneven and combined development; 2. Leon Trotsky       Compartilhe Tweet...

  12. Antonio Gramsci e Albert Mathiez: jacobinos e jacobinismo nos anos de guerra

    Gramsci discussed the Jacobins and Jacobinism bringing them closer to center issues as political parties and hegemony.His analysis of the political group and of the French Revolution proposed a dialog with the work of the French historian, Albert Mathiez, who contributed with a decisive change: from Gramsci’s early anti-Jacobin articles to his recognition of the effectiveness and pragmatism of the Jacobin political action and their contribution to the socialist strategy. The present article reconstructs the interlocution of Gramsci’s writings with the historical studies that Mathiez developed and introduced in both...

  13. Democracia e revolução no pensamento de Marx e Engels (1847-1850)

    permanente   Democracy and permanent revolution in Marx and Engels’ thought (1847-1850) Abstract: Firstly used by Karl Marx in the Jewish Question (1843) the concept of permanent revolution indicated the uninterrupted character of the social and political change in Germany. Inspired in the political and social changes which occurred in France between 1789 and 1793, this concept tried to deal with a situation in which, contrarily to what which inspired it, the political emancipation, to be accomplished, should be preceded by the social emancipation. The relationship between democracy and revolution,...

  14. Gênero e trabalho precário em uma perspectiva histórica

    por outro. Palavras-chave: 1. Fordismo; 2. Pós-fordismo; 3. Trabalho das mulheres Gender and precarious work in a historical perspective Abstract: This paper investigates the historical relationship between gender and precarious work, analyzing a case study of Italian women in the 2nd half of the 20th century. Such historical approach of gender shows us that different forms of production and labor conditions were present simultaneously in Fordist and Post-Fordist societies, and that women, such as immigrants, experienced a significative level of precarity, even in the so-called Golden Age of the 20th...

  15. Para compreender a recolonização do Haiti

    are in force, can not, by any means, lead neither to development nor democracy as they claim to do, not even to the recovery of the national sovereignty of the societies in case. Actually, all the issue is rooted i n a fact demonstrated by the history of international relations: in politics and in international relations, sovereignty is never achieved once and for all; it is always being deserved. And in the case of Haiti, the criterion to have the right being respec ted by the international community – dealt...

  16. Lincoln, Marx e a guerra civil nos Estados Unidos

    Unites States President Abraham Lincoln, this article attempts to expose the contradictory nature of this relationship . Therefore, it analyzes Marx and Engels’ writings on the United States. In the first part, the article presents the overall view of both authors about the American civil war, th eir support to the Northern combatants against the Southern slaveholders and their proposal of a second revolution that could emancipate slaves and free workers. In the second part, the article discusses Marx and Engels’ opinion regarding Lincoln and his Government, especially the limitations...

  17. Edição 26 COMPLETA

    Articles Interview with Stathis Kouvelakis: What’s next for the Nuit Debout? Stathis Kouvelakis (King’s College, Inglaterra) Feminism, capitalism and the cunning of History Nancy Fraser (The New School, Estados Unidos). Feminism and Neoliberalism in Latin America Verónica Schild (University of Western Ontario, Canadá) Caio Prado Jr. and Antonio Gramsci: an inexistent relationship? Bernardo Ricupero (Universidade de São Paulo) Rethinking subalternity: from Antonio Gramsci to Postcolonial Theory Camila Góes (Universidade Estadual de Campinas) Antonio Gramsci, Palmiro Togliatti and consensus under fascism Demian Melo (Universidade Federal Fluminense) Mariátegui and the “popolari” Sydnei...

  18. Entrevista com Gilbert Achcar: o que aconteceu com as primaveras árabes?

    Matta and Gilbert Achcar analyze some of the most important issues about these revolutionary processes. They debate the movement of the counterrevolutionary forces that, composed by the old regimes and Islamic fundamentalist forces, regained their political initiative and are now violently competing for control. They analyze the dictatorship in Egypt, and the civil wars in Syria, Lebanon and Yemen, where hundreds of thousands died and millions were displaced. And they project the possibilities of a revolution in the long term. Keywords: 1. Arab Spring; 2. Revolution; 3. Counter-revolution Compartilhe Tweet...

  19. Capital, força de trabalho e relações de gênero

    2. Marxismo; 3. Feminismo Capital, Labor-Power and Gender-Relations Abstract: The following paper, from Susan Ferguson and David McNally, is the introduction of Lise Vogel’s book, Marxism and the Oppression of Women, originally published in 1983 and reedited in 2013. It’s an essay in which Ferguson and McNally point out the importance of Vogel’s work and situate it in front of a bibliography that grows larger and larger, discussing the relations between gender oppressions and capitalism in the scope of Marxism. Keywords: 1. Gender oppression; 2. Marxism; 3. Feminism Compartilhe Tweet...

  20. Labriola, Gramsci e o materialismo histórico italiano

    centuries, was the only one to conceive Marxism as an independent and original philosophy, and to endeavor to “build scientifically” the “philosophy of praxis”. For the Sardinian intellectual, with the development of the productive forces and the assumption, by parts of the proletariat, of a leading role, the primitive and mechanical positions of vulgar Marxism should be overcome. In his maturing process, Gramsci assigned precisely to Labriola’s philosophical method a central function, up to affirming the demand of its predominance among the Italian Marxist’s formulations. Because of that, in a...

  21. As “recentes” greves na China

    ACESSE AQUI O PDF As “recentes” greves na China O objetivo deste artigo é investigar as “recentes” greves na China, especialmente a resistência na Honda, Foxconn e outras empresas que foram divulgadas por todo o mundo, apontando que a resistência e greves dos trabalhadores não são uma novidade, há muitos relatos de ações coletivas por toda a China nos últimos anos. Durante as últimas três décadas, a China passou por um crescimento nos métodos de resistência popular e protestos contra as más condições de trabalho, não-pagamento de salários e pensões...

  22. Edição 24 COMPLETA

    and antagonism Massimo Modonesi Violence in Colombia in historical perspective Fabio Santos Wahlverwandtschaft: post-neoliberalism and new-developmentism in Brazil Frederico Firmiano The “Agrarian Question” and the state “assimilation” of the rural social movements in Brazil Gustavo Mello Reviews GALASTRI, L. Gramsci, Marxismo e Revisionismo. Campinas: Autores Associados, 2015. By Anita Helena Schlesener MARTUSCELLI, D. Crises Políticas e capitalismo neoliberal no Brasil. Curitiba: CRV, 2015. By Anderson Tavares ABRAMO, F.; KAREPOVS, D.(orgs.). Na contracorrente da hisria: documentos do trotskismo brasileiro 1930-1940. 2ºed. São Paulo: Sundermann, 2015. By Ramsés Eduardo Pinheiro MIGUEL, L....

  23. Marxismo e antirracismo: repensando a política da diferença

    existed in Karl Marx’s work. The notion of difference, as it was developed in contemporary debates, was not a category used by Marx. However, this paper shows us how difference can be understood as a way to reflect about the many ways in which conflictual social relations occur inside of the totality of capitalist society. For such purpose, it intends to broad the specter of forms of conflict who are in dialectical relations inside and beyond this totality and, therefore, it explains complex relations and variables between racism and capitalism....

  24. Política e cultura: Antonio Gramsci e os socialistas italianos

    which Gramsci came near to the socialist movement and published his first political interventions. It rescues Gramsci’s approximation with socialism and his first journalistic interventions during World War I, between 1914 and 1916, in which the issue of culture has assumed an important role. It evidences the Gramscian debt to the culturalist arguments of Gaetano Salvemini and Angelo Tasca, but also his first efforts to overcome the dichotomy between culture and politics and his first approximation with Marxism. Keywords: 1. Antonio Gramsci; 2. Culture; 3. Politics; 4. Marxism Compartilhe Tweet...

  25. Entrevista com Benno Teschke: repensando as relações internacionais

    and the Making of Modern International Relations, a groundbreaking work in the field of International Relations, conceiving a Marxist approach in an open dialogue with the so-called “Political Marxism”, focusing in the agents responsible for the making of foreign policy in Europe over the centuries. In this interview, besides discussing his theoretical approach, he also talked about his own intellectual trajectory, the ways of understanding International Relations in capitalism and made a few observations about Political Marxism, Carl Schmitt’s appropriation, and the future of the European Union. Keywords: 1. International...

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